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HS 1



The Sparrow is a 20 inch wingspan thoroughbred based on the American 1948 High Performance Sportster design; parts are laser cut from high quality materials with a CAD drawn plan. The kit includes both an 8 inch IGRA prop and parts for a single blade folder plus rubber motor. Illustrated building instructions are included but please note they are in Czech. This will not be a problem for the experienced aeromodeller, can view the instructions and plan here :-

The kit was reviewed in SAM 35 Speaks June 2018 issue by Andrew Longhurst, for those of you who missed it please go to the news section where the review can be found plus a picture of the kit contents. Andrew has suggested some minor changes to the kit and these will be incorporated in due course, in the meantime the kit offered here is to the same spec as Andrews review. The good news is that this old stock is being sold at an introductory price


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